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Category: Dementia

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15 Stimulating Activities for Individuals With Dementia

Two seniors sit at a dining room table, helping each other begin knitting projects using red and blue yarn

One of the most effective ways to enhance the quality of life of a loved one with dementia is through meaningful and stimulating activities like painting, gardening, video call visits with loved ones, making memory boxes, or tasting foods with friends. These activities provide joy and purpose, slow cognitive decline, and strengthen emotional bonds.   Why […]

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Can Someone With Dementia Sign Legal Documents?

A senior man signing a document while her senior wife happily holds his arm.

Dementia is a term used to describe a decline in mental abilities that impacts daily activities. It is often a progressive disease that primarily affects people who are aging. One of the most significant areas that dementia impacts is a person’s ability to make decisions.  When a person with dementia faces legal documentation with signing […]

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