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Discounts for Seniors in Ohio

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A happy older adult man in a white shirt holding a 100 dollar bill.

We know supporting your senior loved one is always front of mind. Thankfully, Ohio holds a golden secret for seniors looking to take advantage of local savings. If you haven’t already heard, the Ohio Department of Aging’s Golden Buckeye Program is a ticket to a world of discounts and community support for seniors in Ohio.

These discounts not only help your loved ones afford the essentials, but they also foster a connected community by encouraging patronage of local businesses. It’s a win-win—patrons save, and businesses gain loyal customers.

You can redefine what it means to enjoy retirement for your loved one by helping them take advantage of the many discounts available.

What Is the Golden Buckeye Program?

The concept behind the Golden Buckeye program is simple. Eligible Ohio residents receive a card they can show to unlock a wide array of discounts, service waivers, free offers, and more.

From grocery stores to gas stations and recreational facilities, the Golden Buckeye Program has a vast network of participating businesses eager to serve and offer a little more sunshine in the form of discounts to seniors. 

Many participating businesses will display the Golden Buckeye logo on their window, doors, or next to the checkout. Others may offer a discount, but not post the logo. If you’re ever curious, simply ask if they’re part of the Golden Buckeye program! If they are, show them the Golden Buckeye card and enjoy the savings.

If they aren’t, asking may prompt them to sign up, and next time you stop by there could be a discount ready to enjoy. Businesses determine what savings they want to offer, and it costs nothing to participate.

Who Is Eligible for a Golden Buckeye Card?

The Ohio Department of Aging is keeping things simple when it comes to finding value. To be eligible for a Golden Buckeye card, an applicant must live in Ohio and meet at least 1 of these 2 requirements:

  • Be age 60 or older
  • Be age 18–59 with a disability recognized by Social Security

Most people should receive their card in the mail soon after they turn 60. If your loved one never got their card, they can sign up online to receive one. This is also how they can replace a lost, stolen, or damaged card, or change any information on the card. Only the person whose name is on the Golden Buckeye card can use it, so it’s important to keep the information current.

Applications are also available at participating sign-up sites, which include most public libraries and senior community centers. If your family member over age 60 has recently moved to Ohio, they can bring their Ohio Driver’s License or State of Ohio ID card to one of these locations.

People under 60 applying due to a disability also must apply in person at a sign-up site. It’s a good idea to call ahead to ensure they’re open and have enough applications. Bring an Ohio ID and a proof of disability document, such as:

  • A Medicare card
  • SSI or SSDI acceptance documentation
  • A copy of a document certifying a disability as issued by any state department, Ohio public employee retirement system (STRS, PERS, etc), or a federal retirement system.

What Discounts Are Available?

Thousands of Ohio businesses have joined the Golden Buckeye program, with more joining all the time. That’s far too many to list, but thankfully the program keeps an updated list split up by county on their website.

In Maumee alone, you can find discounts for auto service, florists, dining out, household necessities and upgrades, leisure activities, and more. Check out some of the offerings in your surrounding community!

Additionally, the Golden Buckeye card can get seniors discounts on camping, cottages, and getaway rentals in Ohio State Parks. Those looking to embrace the great outdoors can receive:

  • 50% off camping fees Sunday through Thursday
  • 10% off camping fees on Friday and Saturday
  • 10% off the total rate or other overnight and day-use rentals
A happy older adult man stoking the fire of his campsite.

Supporting Local & Saving Money

The economic significance of the Golden Buckeye program can’t be overstated. It helps direct spending from seniors toward the local economy. This helps keep the bloodline of Ohio’s small businesses viable and thriving while showing respect to our loved ones who helped build it over their lifetime.

Maumee Pointe Assisted Living & Memory Care knows programs like Golden Buckeye are invaluable for many people, and one of our great joys is helping our residents discover these little tips that can help them enjoy more of their senior living experience. For more information about how we can support your loved ones, give us a call.

It isn’t just about discounts; it’s about dignity, community, and building bridges across generations. The savings are there for the taking, and they’re as golden as the years you’ve spent building the legacy of Ohio.

Written by Angela Clark

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