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Category: Assisted Living

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When to Move from Assisted Living to Memory Care?

A senior smiles while being being embraced by their adult child.

Caring for an aging loved one is a personal journey, and the destination of that journey can sometimes change. If you have a loved one in assisted living who needs to transition to memory care, it can be an emotional experience for everyone involved. So, how do you know when it’s the right time to […]

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Senior Living for Couples: Living Arrangements for Couples

A happy senior couple enjoying a cup of coffee outdoors.

As couples age, they face various challenges, including physical and mental health issues, financial concerns, and foundational lifestyle changes. It’s not uncommon for one or both partners to need additional care as time passes.  The transition from independence to relying on others can be difficult. Luckily, assisted living arrangements are available for individuals and couples […]

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